Sunday, November 4, 2007

9/11 Conspiracy and the Attack on the Wolrd Trade Center

sept 11
september 11th
twin towers
world trade centerDeath threat by ATS- (AboveTopSecret) Planehugger Pepe Lapiu
Published: Sat, 3 Nov 2007 13:08:22 GMT
Death threat by ATS- (AboveTopSecret) Planehugger Pepe Lapiu
picked up at:

Death threat by a planehugger

Sat, Nov 3 2007

By Killtown

Haven't received one of these in a while:

Your claims are simply stoopit Killtown, you are not a member of the truth movement, you are either a liar and a disinfo agent or a very bad researcher.

It is already difficult for us to tell people that bombs were in the buildings, now you want to suggest even more difficult to show, something that will make us all look crazier then we already are: there were no planes. When will you upgrade to the theory that there was no buildings either?

Keep posting anonymously dude, because if I find out where you are I will show you a hologram of a sick disinfo agent hanging off his shower curtain.

And that is not a treat, that is a promise.

People who speak the truth do not need to speak anonymously...

PepeLapiu a.k.a.
Guy Cotnoir
32 Citadel Meadows Gardens
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
(ed: )

Griffin Co-Author Enver Masud on 9/11 Lecture Tour of South Africa
Published: Sat, 3 Nov 2007 12:07:11 GMT
Griffin Co-Author Enver Masud on 9/11 Lecture Tour of South Africa
picked up at:

Enver Masud's 9/11 lecture tour of South Africa

Well known author and engineer, Enver Masud, based in Washington will be arriving in South Africa on the 12th of November. He will be presenting an in-depth audio-visual lecture entitled:

"9-11 .. What Really Happened?!" at public venues throughout the country. Admission is free and open to all....

...Enver Masud is founder and CEO of The Wisdom Fund, and recipient of the 2002 Gold Award from the Human Rights Foundation for his book "The War on Islam."

He is also a contributing author of "Islam: Opposing Viewpoints," and "9/11 and American Empire: Christians, Jews, and Muslims Speak Out..."

...He was at the forefront of innovation in the electric power industry, and managed the U.S. Department of Energy's National Power Grid Study...

Schedule of talks

Tuesday 13th November 2007: KwaDukuza (Stanger) Town Hall after 8pm Wednesday 14th November 2007: Guest speaker at IMA dinner Thursday 15th November: University of KwaZulu-Natal (Pietermaritzburg) 18h30 Friday 16th November: Al-Ansaar Hall, West Road, Overport, Durban at 20h00 Saturday 17th November: Fundraising dinner at Port Shepstone Sunday 18th November: Newcastle, Old Checkers Hall Monday 19th November: Ladysmith evening programme Tuesday 20th November: Cape Town evening lecture Wednesday 21st November: Cape Town evening lecture Thursday 22nd November: Polokwane (Pietersburg) evening lecture Friday 23rd November Lenasia at Nur-ul-Islam Hall at 20h30 Saturday 24th November: Fordsburg at Jiswa at 14h30 Sunday 25th November: Pretoria - Erasmia at 14h00.

WWeek: 9/11 Keymaster Rodriguez comes to Portland
Published: Fri, 2 Nov 2007 23:11:15 GMT
WWeek: 9/11 Keymaster Rodriguez comes to Portland

9/11 Survivor Turned Skeptic Comes to Portland
November 2nd 2007

William Rodriguez, a 9/11 survivor turned skeptic, will be in Portland this Tuesday to talk about his experience as a national hero and activist and his doubts about September 11...

...But Rodriguez still has doubts. ?I don?t know who is responsible,? he says. He says he?s not ?blaming the government,? but that the government had previous knowledge of the attacks and refused to do anything about it. When asked why the government would let something like 9/11 happen, he answers, ?that?s exactly our question.?

Yet some of the claims Rodriguez has made about 9/11 don?t add up. He says an explosion occurred seven seconds before the first plane hit the towers, and came from below, not above. But when he first began to report this, he described the explosion as a ?rumble,? like furniture moving. Today, he remembers it as a ?POW!? Rodriguez claims the difference is due to translation errors, but his accounts of the explosion have gotten more and more dramatic over the years...

Alex Jones reinforces Fear Mongering with recent Rumsfeld-"Atmosphere of Fear" -Memo Hangout
Published: Fri, 2 Nov 2007 13:23:43 GMT
Alex Jones reinforces Fear Mongering with recent Rumsfeld-"Atmosphere of Fear" -Memo Hangout
Scientology Supporter and self appointed "CointelPRO" Specialists Alex Jones and the Watson Brothers profit from Hoax that American Citizens allegedly 'live in fear' to distract from Ignorance, Lazyness, Pseudo Patriotism and Illogical Thinking

picked up at:

Friday, November 2, 2007

(see also "Alex Jones is a LIAR!", "Alex Jones: Disinfo or Stupid?" at

"...Donald Rumsfeld, the former United States defence secretary, tried to maintain an atmosphere of fear in America as part of the Iraq war propaganda campaign, a series of leaked memos has shown," reports the London Telegraph.

In an April 2006 memo, Rumsfeld encouraged Pentagon officials to "Keep elevating the threat" and "Talk about Somalia, the Philippines etc. Make the American people realise they are surrounded in the world by violent extremists..."

(see also: -Nov 01, 2007

"....this is just more Alex Jones anti-immigrant fearmongering sensationalist bull shit. Alex Jones has no credibility on the matter. He is notorious for shamelessly and blatently lying and exagerating about the issue of Mexican immigration, including his notorious New Years Eve 1999 broadcast in which he claimed that Mexican and Canadian troops were massing on the US border planning on invading..."

9/11 DEW/SDI Cover-Up: Next DEW Type turns mainstream
Published: Fri, 2 Nov 2007 12:23:50 GMT
9/11 DEW/SDI Cover-Up: Next DEW Type turns mainstream
After Future Combat System, General Dynamics Active Denial System, Boeing's ADL and Raytheon's Ray-Gun, now also Boeing's "Laser Avenger " turns up more and more in mainstream

picked up at:

(see also Boeing Conducts Successful Avenger-Mounted Laser Tests
WebWire (press release), GA - Oct 15, 2007, An anti IED Laser Weapon?

November 2, 2007

"...The army conducted tests of the Avenger-mounted laser system in late September 2007 at Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Ala. The laser system, also designed to destroy unexploded ordnance, was developed by Boeing.

"Boeing's investment strategy is to move some of its new directed energy weapon systems into field demonstrations, and Laser Avenger is the first one we're rolling out," said Gary Fitzmire, vice president and program director of Boeing Directed Energy Systems. "Laser Avenger provides the speed-of-light and ultra-precision capability that the warfighter needs today to safely neutralize improvised explosive devices and unexploded ordnance."

Anthony Lawson presents new "Rotten Fruits" with alleged SepClues Debunking
Published: Fri, 2 Nov 2007 10:59:02 GMT
Anthony Lawson presents new "Rotten Fruits" with alleged SepClues Debunking
After his mini-hit "WTC7 - This is an Orange", video producer "Anthony Lawson" aka claims he allegedly debunked "September Clues", co-operating with Eric Salter, Nick Irving and Xenomorph911.
Lawson tries to cloak the vacuum of missing political outrage on 9/11 tv fakery evidence, with typical cherry-picking, deceptive "Bilker"-pseudo counter analysis on witness statements, black frames, speed of aircrafts and furthermore ignores to explain the discrepancies of contradictive aircraft CGI phenomena in itself.

picked up at: (Video Updates 11/02)

Halloween with a Fake Plane
Published: Thu, 1 Nov 2007 17:29:20 GMT
Halloween with a Fake Plane
picked up at:


Huffington Post: Giuliani Faces Investigation Of 9/11 Motorola Radios
Published: Thu, 1 Nov 2007 16:35:35 GMT
Huffington Post: Giuliani Faces Investigation Of 9/11 Motorola Radios
Motorola also once integrated into SBI Net Initiative at Mexican Border

picked up at:

Giuliani Faces Investigation Of 9/11 Radios November 1, 2007

war on terror
terrorist attacks
sept 11th
terrorist attack
9 11
911 conspiracy
september eleven
war on terrorism
bin laden
ground zero
attack on america
al qaeda
september images
collapse 11
flight 11
september events
september people
september timeline
september falling
terrorists 11

1 comment:

anonymous said...

Poor Craig Lazo. So he had some fake death threats. Nothing like what his friend Fred used to post at Boo hoo.